Festival Admission

  • Every family or individual entering the festival will be required to purchase $10 in food & beverage tickets or have a ride bracelet. Family members MUST be entering the festival at the same time. The $10 purchase requirement is per family, not per family member.
  • You can pre-buy your St. Simon food and beverage tickets after Mass on select days. During pre-sale events you will receive $2 in bonus St. Simon tickets for every $10 spent.
  • Tickets will also be available at the festival entrance and at the end of the food booths near the main stage.
  • Parishioners are strongly encouraged to purchase their St. Simon money in advance to expedite entry into the festival.
  • Volunteers will be admitted on the date they are volunteering with advance registration of volunteer time. Volunteers under the age of 18 will require confirmation of commitment from booth chairperson or school coordinator (Cathedral & Chatard students).


For the safety of everyone attending the festival, ALL MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 WILL NOT BE ADMITTED TO THE FESTIVAL WITHOUT AN ACCOMPANYING ADULT AFTER 10 P.M. ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS. Festival security in cooperation with Lawrence Police & IMPD reserve the right to change this time without notice.